Thursday, May 7, 2015

Get love or die trying

Get rich or die trying....

These are not my words but by the words of a famous rapper 50 cent. How many of you are ready to die for love?....Count me out. Its unrealistic to think of such unless forced my circumstances. This is not what I directly mean.
        I am comparing love to richness. In so many ways is love similar to richness in the same many ways the two are different.
        I cannot call myself rich, neither can I call me poor since I lack much money. This is the case with love. If you dont have it, it doesn't necessarily mean your  heart is poor and if you do have it it doesn't make you the richest guy in the world. Similarly, the rich are the most restless and the most people who lack peace,  ask someone in a relationship and he/she if sincere enough will tell you its not always a walk in the park.
         Many are the times the rich when in company of friends will pretend to be the happiest of them all when they are more miserable than a church mouse. The same will happen to happiest of couples when they are having problems.
           I aint an Anti-love kind of guy. No.  But truth be said, finding love is not always finding happiness, so is finding money. Both of the two depends on how you take them. But I also acknowledge that reaching there is where most of us find difficult.
         Most of us are not born millionaires, we have to work our way up. And its not always a success. Most of us barely learn to walk leave alone learn to fly if you know what I mean.  We give up very early or life gives up on us.  Most will say the most difficult thing to find in this world and the most important thing is money. Others will find love both equally hard to find and equally important.
      Most people understand that money is important and hard to find but expect love to come  around easily. FYI... "Good things don't come around easily".  They give up even before they start to learn to love. Just like in business, afraid of taking risks, in relationships they are afraid of hurting.
         If we are ready to loose everything, kill and even die for money... Why not love? And am not asking you to be murderers but think about it. WHY NOT LOVE??